CRA Form T2201, Disability Tax Credit Certificate and Disability Tax Credit Benefits

The first step in getting back your disability benefits is completing the Disability Tax Credit certificate (Form T2201).
It is absolutely important to make sure that section of the form is correctly filled out. A mistake can make your entire claim being rejected, or not worth what it can be, even if your medical condition qualifies for the DTC.
If you are looking for an experienced qualified Disability Tax Credit Consultant, get in touch with us for a free consultation. You don’t pay us anything until your claim is successful.
We will assess your situation and determine if you qualify. Following which, we will do the necessary paperwork and submit the CRA Form T2201, Disability Tax Credit Certificate for fast approval. All you need to do is to get your doctor to certify your condition and sign our agreement and authorize us to deal with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on your behalf. We’ll also be in touch with the CRA and keep you informed of the status of your application.
For your convenience, you can also download and fill out your disability tax certificate directly from the CRA’s T2201 Disability Tax Credit page
We look forward to being of service to you.