Disability Tax Credit Consultant Prince Edward Island

We are Disability Tax Credit Consultants serving the province of Prince Edward Island by helping people with medical conditions become eligible for Disability Tax Credit (DTC) benefits. In Prince Edward Island, we serve the communities of Charlottetown, Summerside, Stratford, Cornwall, Montague, Kensington and Souris. We also serve the cities of Alberton, Tignish and Georgetown.
The disability tax credit (DTC) is a nonrefundable tax credit which is used to significantly reduce the income tax you pay. Subject to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) approval, it is available to people with physical and mental disabilities to deal with the financial hardships caused by their impairment. Disability-related to vision, walking, hearing, feeding, dressing, elimination function (bladder or bowel), mental functions necessary for everyday life including memory, problem-solving, goal setting, judgment and adaptive functioning and Therapy required to maintain a vital function. Examples are chest physiotherapy, Kidney Dialysis, Type 1 Diabetes can all qualify for Disability Tax Credit refunds.
For a complete list of eligible medical conditions click here.
We are experts when it comes to processing your Disability Tax Credit application and offer a free consultation service for residents of Charlottetown, Summerside, Stratford, Cornwall, Montague, Kensington and Souris. We also offer the same to residents of Alberton, Tignish, Georgetown in the province of Prince Edward Island.
After going through your medical history we would be able to determine your entitlement and use our Disability Tax Credit Calculator to find out the refund amount. We later advice you on the necessary documents you need while we start filling out the Canada Disability Credit Form T2201. We don`t charge you any upfront fees and only take a small percentage of your refund once you receive it.
And so, if you are looking for an experienced and reliable disability tax credit consultant and live in Prince Edward Island, get in touch with us. Many companies claim to be able to help with little or no experience. But we have actually obtained refunds for so many of our clients. We know in and out of the guidelines and the procedure to get the DTC in the most efficient and quickest way.