
There are several things that make us different from most other companies, like:

a. We not only help you get benefits from CRA (DTC) but we can also help you in getting other benefits such as CPP. We can also guide you with Employment Insurance Disability Benefit, Student Loans disability benefits and Provincial disability support programs like ODSP in Ontario. We, therefore, provide a fairly comprehensive service while most others focus on benefits from either CRA (DTC) or CPP Disability or Provincial program only.

b. We do a comprehensive review of your tax return. By that we mean, a line by line review of Deductions as well as Refundable and Non-Refundable Tax Credits because once we claim DTC there may be Deductions and Non-Refundable Credits that may be available/lost or Refundable Tax Credits that may be increased. In some cases Deductions and Non-Refundable Credits are better carried forward to future years or transfer to other spouse or family members. This is an area that is frequently not optimized by most other service providers.

c. Our no surprise pricing – we include all payments that you will have to make in our quote – we don’t hit you with
surprises like disbursement in our bill.

There are 3 different types of benefits that may be derived:

Tax reduction: There is a big range for the amount involved – anywhere from around $1,000 to $4,000 per year. The reason for this is while the Disability Tax Credit itself results in reduction of federal income tax of around $1,000 per year, the provincial income tax reduction depends on the provincial tax rate which is different for each province. Another reason for the difference is it depends on your income and also the income and marital status of your supporter. This credit is available irrespective of your age. The credit for prior years is available for a maximum of 10 years but can continue indefinitely for future years.

Child Disability Benefit: If the person who is less than 18 years of age then this benefit is paid to the recipient of the child tax benefit. The prior years’ benefit is available for a maximum of 10 years.

Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP): This is a special type of account which can only be opened for person who is approved for DTC. There are 2 benefits of this account: (a) Bond of $1,000 per year for a maximum of 20 years or up to the age of 49 years, whichever is earlier. This is available if the family income is low – around $31,711 for full $1,000 of the bond and is reduced if the family income is higher and (b) Grant of $3,500 per year for a maximum of 20 years or up to the age of 49 years, whichever is earlier. This is available if the family income is below $97,069. If the family income is higher, then grant of $1,000 per year is available. Although the account can be opened by people up to 60 years of age, Government grant and bond is only available till the age of 49.

A lot of people who qualify for Disability Tax Credit (DTC) live with or rely on family member for support financial for shelter (mortgage or rent payment), buying groceries or clothing. CRA consider such people as supporter and there are tax credits that can be claimed by that person.

You can qualify for DTC irrespective of your income.

Age is not a criteria. We have clients who qualify from the time they were born as well as clients who are in their 90s.

Once the form is submitted the process takes approximately 8 to 20 weeks. The processing time depends upon the processing time of the CRA office dealing with the case as well as whether CRA decides to obtain additional information from the medical professional who certified the application.

The tax reduction is not taxable. Any interest paid by CRA (which is normally very little) is taxable. Child Disability Benefit is not taxable. Grants and Bonds as well as any income earned in the Registered Disability Saving Plan (RDSP) is taxable when it is withdrawn from the account.

Normally the money comes in 2 to 3 installments via cheque or direct deposit  to bank account.

Our success rate is over 90%. This is because we work with your medical professional and guide them with respect to completion of the form including the wordings to be used. CRA is very particular about this.

Yes, absolutely. However it becomes difficult to get approval if the application is declined first. Even if one is approved revision of tax returns is not an easy task. Unless detailed instruction is given to CRA on which tax lines are to be revised there is a high probability that either a deduction from income or refundable or non –refundable tax credit maybe missed out resulting in loss of thousands of dollars.

We are experts at this process, it is what we specialize in. We work with your medical professional to increase your chance of getting approved and we do a very detailed work on revising your tax returns. In fact that is one of the things that make us different from most other service providers. We have clients who did it themselves and surely they were able to get some benefits but when they came to us we were able to identify that they missed out claiming in some cases, almost 50% of the eligible credits/money. We were able to recover part of these but some money was lost due to limits on how far back we can go back when making claims from the Government. We know how to maximize your benefits.

Our experience has been that CRA does not normally audit other information. Yes they will look at what is being claimed / revised but that does not normally result in an audit because we provide them with detailed information on the claims / revision when we submit our request. For CPP and EI again they will look into the information provided by you or your previous employer and then process the claims.

The amount that you get back from the Government depends on many factors: your age, duration of disability, tax paid by you or your supporter, medical expenses incurred, etc.

Tax reduction: There is a big range for the amount involved – anywhere from around $1,000 to $40,000 for prior years. The credit for prior years is available for a maximum of 10 years but can continue indefinitely for future years.

Child Disability Benefit: If the person who is less than 18 years of age then this benefit is paid to the recipient of the child tax benefit. The prior years’ benefit is available for a maximum of 10 years and can be as high as $22,000

Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP): This is a special type of account which can only be opened for person who is approved for DTC. There are 2 benefits of this account: (a) Bond up to $20,000. This is $1,000 per year for a maximum of 20 years or up to the age of 49 years, whichever is earlier. This is available if the family income is low – around $31,711 for full $1,000 of the bond and is reduced if the family income is higher and (b) Grant up to $70,000. This is $3,500 per year for a maximum of 20 years or up to the age of 49 years, whichever is earlier. This is available if the family income is below $97,069. If the family income is higher, then grant of $1,000 per year is available.

Our fees are 25% of the benefits we can get for you. By benefits we mean tax refund, write off of government dues, Child Disability Benefits, etc. Applicable GST/PST/HST will be added to our fees. Our fee is due 5 days after receipt of benefits. Therefore, if no benefit is received then there are no fees due. There is no additional charge for disbursements such as Doctor's fees, mailing charges, faxes, photocopying, etc. If for any reason the application is rejected, you pay nothing.

Disability Tax Credit eligibility is not affected the source of income. It is based on medical condition.

You can apply for the benefit since you met the criteria however, CRA will pay retroactive benefits for 10 years for benefits from CRA. The exception here is RDSP account – benefits – grants and bonds – may be claimed from 2008

Yes providing there is an Executor of the Estate or a will or if you are a relative of the deceased (provided other relatives do not have any objection). Approval is given for the period the person first met the criteria till the year of death.

We keep all information confidential and secure. We do not share your information with anyone other than as required by law or unless we have your approval. Only people working for the organization have access to our clients’ information.

If you need help ! contact us

Call us to book a FREE consultation that may result in you receiving up to $42,000 from the Government. Can there be a better investment of your time? So why wait, pick up the phone now and call us toll free at 1855 786 4786 or email us at: info@disabilityrefunds.com